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Two Sides of the Same Coin

Have you ever flipped a coin to decide the fate of something? As a kid, yourself and your sibling may have flipped a coin to decide who would do the chores that day; if it landed on heads, your brother or sister would have to do them, but if it landed on tails, you would. “Flipping a coin for it” is a timeless custom, but it is also a useful metaphor for understanding how the differing fates of blacks and whites are often determined even when the circumstances are all but the same. Only instead of heads or tails, it’s black vs. white, and which side it lands on is determined by a third party flipping the coin.

Police brutality is a real issue, but depending on which side of the coin you are on, it may not count when it happens to you. Although shows that whites are on average nearly twice as likely than blacksto be shot to death by police in the United States, blacks receive endless attention and pandering when one of their own is shot down. In 2021, only 71 blacks have been shot to death by police thus far, while a whopping 122 whites have been shot to death by police over the same period. Undoubtedly, some of these deaths are not unwarranted, but why do the 71 get protests and murals, recognition by celebrities, politicians, and the media, well-known activists and reverends attending their funerals to stir up controversy, state payouts derived primarily from the tax dollars of hard-working whites, and even statues erected of them?

The same goes for police brutality without the use of a gun. Whites are still more likely to be killed than blacks, but the aftereffects are not the least bit comparable, since the cops responsible receive different punishments (or none at all) depending on whether the victim is white or black. Take for example Tony Timpa. Timpa was a 32-year-old white male who, in 2016, called the police for help because he was struggling with mental illness. He admitted that he was on cocaine and had stopped taking his medication for schizophrenia and depression. The group of five mostly Hispanic officers that showed up kneeled on his back above his lung area as Timpa cried “You’re going to kill me” and pleaded for help more than 30 times while lying face down in agony. Meanwhile, the police officers made various jokes and remarks such as “Back to school!” and “Come on, wake up!” with another mimicking the voice of a teenager and saying “I don’t want to go to school! Five more minutes, Mom!” Timpa was further mocked as a “roly-poly” while lying unresponsive. The purpose of putting a potentially violent suspect face down and kneeling on their back is to handcuff them, but Timpa had already been subdued and handcuffed by a security guard prior to the arrival of the police, so there is no justification for him being in such a position to begin with. The majority-Hispanic cops on the scene were merely having fun at the expense of a white man—a white man they killed.

The majority-Hispanic cops on the scene were merely having fun at the expense of a white man—a white man they killed.

The extra icing on this iced over cake was that it took three long years for the police footage to be released. But disgust aside, does Tony Timpa’s story sound similar to any others that have been in the news over the past year? That of, say, George Floyd, perhaps? By now, everyone and their dog knows the name “George Floyd,” yet few will recognize the name “Tony Timpa.” Mr. Floyd had a knee put to his back like Tony Timpa, both had drugs in their system, and both died in police custody. Two sides of the same coin? Indeed, but only one of the two has become a global icon, because only one of the two was on the side of the coin our leaders have been flipping, calling, and manipulating the outcome of for decades. As for receiving “justice,” Tony Timpa didn’t stand a chance, because he wasn’t black; Timpa was tails, and tails loses. There were no protests for him, no financial handouts for his family, no murals or recognition by celebrities and politicians, no other public figures or well-known activists speaking out for justice on his behalf, and no statues erected of him, either.

Timpa’s killers have not lost their jobs, and have faced no legal consequences, despite it being definitive that they are directly responsible for his death. Conversely, Derek Chauvin, the cop who knelt on the back of George Floyd, just had his life destroyed and was thrown behind bars for 22.5 years, despite abundant evidence that he was not directly responsible for Floyd’s death. Floyd was a criminal African opioid addict, which is to say—hardly an individual worthy admiration and sympathy from any white person under any circumstance. Timpa, however, was one of our own, and he was innocent and reached out to the police for help. The reactions to these two cases underscore the disparity between blacks and whites in terms of media coverage, treatment by authority, and systemic response to abuse as determined by the coin-flippers, whose main interest is to ensure the outcome either demoralizes whites or cannot be used by them as grounds for organization. Sadly, this is not the only case we could mention, as there are countless instances where black and white individuals have been subject to similar instances of police brutality but received dissimilar reactions—the main being that public outrage on behalf of the latter is virtually non-existent. That is what we need to change.

If you want to take action in response to Tony Timpa’s death and further the interests of white people as a whole, make a quick phone call to the Dallas Police Department’s Office of Community Police Oversight at (214) 671-8283, which handles complaints about officers. You can also call the general line of the Dallas Police Department at (214)-671-3001. Give them a piece of your mind, or ask to speak with the Hispanic Chief of Police, Edgardo Garcia, about why four of these animals remain on their staff (one retired shortly after the incident and is on pension). If you want to send an email instead, you can direct any questions or comments at The names of the police officers responsible for Tony Timpa’s death are Raymond Dominguez, Domingo Rivera, Danny Vasquez, and Dustin Dillard. The name of the retired sergeant involved is Kevin Mansell.

Anti-whites organize and take collective action, which is why they win. Don’t say “If a white person did that, the reaction would have been completely different.” Defend your own, and shame those who attempt to make martyrs out of 46-year-old West African drug dealers with nearly two dozen arrests. These are simple but fundamental things we must begin doing. The saying about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result rings especially true here. The result will remain the same until we learn to reflexively take collective action whenever negative actions are taken against us.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. mary rose

    this is america, other countries of the world do not see things this way. you have to read all news and see different views.

  2. Glen-Ray O'Bryant

    That is a great story, very true, I can tell you most of the police in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Ohio, are gang member and crooks, they keep score of how many people they have extorted. Then there are the filth that preys on children that don’t have both parents, the police gang in America are an un-necessary evil.

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