The Bronze Age Indo-European Imperium

We have an inclination to look for strength in eras during which we appear strong, but it is not always clear how much of ourselves is distinguishable. Where do we…

The TWPP Book Club

In 2020 we published My Mirror Tells A Story by Spencer J. Quinn and Anthony Coulter—the first illustrated children’s book explicitly for White people, as well as the first full-color…

Reclaiming Femininity

Being a woman used to mean something. We had a purpose, and were essential to the health and well-being of our communities and societies at large, but sadly this is…

A Happy Marriage

Helen Doe, a former liberal, unindoctrinates herself and learns the joys of traditional gender roles.

The Race Card

Have you ever done something seemingly normal, then had the race card thrown at you? I’m sure you have. It’s a disgusting tactic that goes hand in hand with the…

Insidious Equity

From governments to media, from academia to the workplace, the word equity is increasingly used. Accustomed to equality, some balk at the familiar, yet alien equity. Many, perhaps, imagine equity…