The Race Card

Have you ever done something seemingly normal, then had the race card thrown at you? I’m sure you have. It’s a disgusting tactic that goes hand in hand with the…

Insidious Equity

From governments to media, from academia to the workplace, the word equity is increasingly used. Accustomed to equality, some balk at the familiar, yet alien equity. Many, perhaps, imagine equity…

Winning the Argument Now

Ed Dutton’s Race Differences in Ethnocentrism is an excellent catalyst for pro-whites looking to compete in a hostile ideological marketplace. Dutton’s argument simplified is that relatively low European ethnocentrism is…

“Racism Against Whites Doesn’t Count”

From The Guardian: Prominent academics and student leaders have criticised the government’s equalities watchdog for including prejudice against white British students in its inquiry into racism in UK universities. They accused the Equality…

The End of “Racism”

One glorious day few alive now are likely to see, the word “racist” will carry as much weight as the word “witch” did after 1653. For white people reading this…